Become committed people of God
Williams Memorial CME Church is radically committed and willing to make a significant sacrifice for the work of the Kingdom!
Keeping You Safe
The safety of our members, guests, and community are paramount in our decision-making process. Register to attend inside sanctuary services.

Our mission is to become committed people of God, who through preaching and teaching the word of God, will nurture souls for transformation and enhance leadership, thereby enabling people to live holy within the context of their surroundings.

Online Giving
Through your generous tithes and offerings, Williams Memorial is able to better serve the community. We offer the opportunity to securely make your donations online through E-giving or Givelify. Click below to give online.

How Can We Help You?
Have questions about how to join WMCME, a prayer request, a testimony or just have a general question or concern? Drop us a line so we can help guide you in the right direction.