Joining the Church
The Christian Methodist Episcopal Church welcomes into its membership all persons seeking to be saved form their sins and sincerely desiring to be Christian in faith and practice. You may become a preparatory member by coming forth during the invitation to discipleship; by declaring your intentions with our Pastor or calling us and giving your name so that an orientation can be given before you join.
Joining the Church

By Confession of Faith
Declaring that you desire to covenant with us in the growth of your Christian experience, or it is necessary when a church letter cannot be obtained, or you simply wish to reaffirm your Christian commitment.

From other Denominations
A letter from your church stating that you are a member in good standing. Our pastor in charge will take care of this.

By Certificate or Transfer
The Church sends for your letter of transfer.

Associate Membership
The status of an associate member may be given to a person of the CME Church residing for an extended period, at a temporary residence in another community. This member shall be reported and counted as a full member only in his or her home church.

Affiliate Membership
An affiliate membership may be given upon request to any person of the CME Church or any other denomination residing away from his or her home church. The person’s home church shall be notified of the affiliate membership. This membership shall entitle the member to the fellowship of the church, its pastoral care and participation in its activities.The member shall be reported as a full member only in his or her home church.
Does it make a difference if I join or not?
Either way we welcome you here. Our efforts will continuously be to fill the gap for those persons desiring spiritual fulfillment through Jesus Christ. Our doors remain open to those persons wanting to share in Christian fellowship; those in search of a church home. For all, we rejoice because you have chosen to fellowship with us.
But for the person who has make a decision to commit or recommit him/herself to Christ, your decision does make a difference. Into this Church family we would rejoice to have you and open our doors. But into the family of God—Jesus Christ has opened the door.