COVID-19 Reopening FAQ

In-person, inside services have resumed.

Register to attend –>

Church service is limited to the first 175 people. Service will still be accessible from the parking lot and virtually (4 ways to join)

When you register online you will be asked to complete a pre-screening health questionnaire. We want to be able to provide necessary contact tracing if it becomes necessary.

We strongly recommend that you are vaccinated before attending, but it is not required.

If you wake up on Sunday morning and you do not feel well (headache, body aches, stuffy nose, sore throat, nausea, diarrhea, coughing, and/or unexplained fatigue), we ask that you stay home.

If you have a compromised immune system, please stay home. If you are going through chemo treatments, about to have surgery, on dialysis, etc., we ask that you worship in the parking lot, virtually, or by phone.

The recommended CDC health and safety protocols will be observed in all areas of the building.

The parking lot committee will direct those worshipping inside the sactuary to park in the designated area separate from those remaining in the parking lot.

Temperatures will be taken before entrance to the sanctuary. (If a person has a temperature 100.4 or greater, we will ask them to listen to the service from the parking lot)

Please follow the directions of the greeters, ushers, and other staff as they direct the flow in and out of the church building and sanctuary.

All will be required to always wear masks. Not face shields, not gators, nor bandanas. If you do not have a mask when you arrive, we will supply you with one at the door.

6 foot markers will be placed on the floor reminding people to follow proper social distancing procedures.

Members and guest will enter the sanctuary through the double center doors at the rear of the church.

The doors will remain open during service with the ushers controlling the entrance during prohibited service movement. (Prayer, scripture reading, etc.)

The sanctuary will be blocked off every other row to aid in social distancing.

Families should arrive together and sit together. This will ensure three feet of distance between families while maximizing the number of people in the worship service.

To maintain social distancing, we will limit the number of people using restrooms. Half the number of sinks and stalls will be marked off in the restrooms.

Restrooms located closest to retention pond will be the only restrooms open.

There will be an attendant to wipe down the bathrooms throughout service.

Ushers will seat members from front to back, alternating rows, to further maintain distance.

Stewards will be located at the rear doors at the end of service to collect the tithes and offering.

On the first Sunday of each month the ministers will pass out prepackaged bread and wine. The stewardess will collect the trash at the back of the church as people leave.

Canned goods for the Feeding 10,000 Project will be collected in front of the church as you approach the front doors.

Ushers will dismiss rows from back to front. Exit will be through the rear center doors and the right doors exiting the vestibule.